Operation Supervisor

Preparing documents to put out tenders for contractors. Project management and supervising and coordinating work of contractors. Investigating availability and suitability of options for new premises. Calculating and comparing costs for required goods or services to achieve maximum value for money. Planning for future development in line with strategic business objectives. Managing and leading change to ensure minimum disruption to core activities. Directing and planning essential central services such as reception, security, maintenance, mail, archiving, cleaning, waste disposal. Checking that agreed work by staff or contractors has been completed satisfactorily and following up on any deficiencies. Coordinating and leading one or more teams to cover various areas of responsibility. Using performance management techniques to monitor and demonstrate achievement of agreed service levels and to lead on improvement.

Responding appropriately to emergencies or urgent issues as they arise. Planning and overseeing building work/renovation. Allocating and managing space within buildings. Coordinating building maintenance and operational activities. Organising security and general administrative services. Ensuring that facilities meet government regulations and environmental, health and security standards. Supervising multi-disciplinary teams of staff including maintenance, grounds and custodial workers. Support better management reporting, information flow and management, business process and organizational planning. Improvements to each function as well as coordination and communication between support and business functions.

Short Info

  • Published:9 years ago
  • Company:Private Company
  • Location:Dubai,UAE

It is time to proceed abroad for job

It is the dream of more than 70% young people to go abroad and find the suitable job there. There are many reasons behind this trend. Some of these are discussed in the following lines. The major reason is that in most of countries opportunities of jobs is reducing. This situation cause to generate the intensive competition between the applicants in the country. On the other hand the salaries are not increasing with the rate with which prices of commodities are increasing. This imbalance of income and expenses is making life hard to live.

Furthermore, the opportunities in developed countries are increasing which attracts the people from all parts of the world. They also offer good salaries. These are the major attraction for the workers and skilled people to go abroad and work there for earning the handsome income. Taking in view the above discussion it is right to consider the job abroad seriously.