Sales and Marketing Executive

Required SALES and MARKETING EXECUTIVE (Preferably Indian) - Excellent experience, knowledge of the Abu Dhabi market, good contacts with contracting companies and consultancies; and a UAE D/L.

Modern ideas of marketing
It is an established fact that no corporate entity could exist without proper marketing. Taking in view this fact almost all the corporate entities adopt different ways of advertisement and promotion for their products and services. Some of these work well while other could not. Some top performance ideas of marketing are enlisted here under:
•    E-marketing: This is the way of promotion with the use of internet and the related technologies. This is a vast field of marketing which is serving the corporate world with true meaning of promotion.
•    Holding conferences or promotional event: Holding conference or promotional event is relatively way of marketing and it is yielding high level of desired results that is why more and more corporate entities are taking interest in this kind of promotion.
•    Offering incentive: This is old but very effective way of marketing. The corporate entity especially the manufacturer offers their products as incentives for those who take active part in the promotion of their products and services. No doubt this is a costly tool of promotion but with the use of few bucks you could get the promotional force which will get ready to work for your advertisement in the whole market.     


Short Info

  • Published:10 years ago
  • Company:Techno Window and Door Factory
  • Location:Abu Dhabi,UAE

Diplomacy : Sales Skills for the Workplace

Sales Skills for the Workplace
There are some retail sales skills that aren’t usually listed on a resume, but are still important for sales employees. Ensure you have these five skills to achieve success in sales.


Unfortunately, sales associates have a bad reputation due to marketing tactics like spam emails and robocalls. As a result, you sometimes have to deal with customers who are angry before you’ve even said anything.

An elderly lady watches as her husband pays for the groceries
An outgoing personality helps keep clients happy.
You need diplomatic skills to respond appropriately to customers who want to take out their own troubles on you. Sometimes, you can make a sale despite their initial unwillingness to engage with you by being diplomatic.