Required Office Boy / Girl

Job Description
Key duties/responsibilities of Office Boy/Office Assistant:

To effectively maintain overall office environmental hygiene
To ensure that all necessary office /pantry supplies are properly stocked and readily available for every employee.
Carefully monitoring the use of devices and supplies within the workplace.
Efficiently deals with inquiries or needs from the visitors and workers.
Properly coordinating the maintenance and repair of devices for the workplace.
Assisting management personnel in wide variety of workplace responsibilities.
Effectively collecting and distributing couriers or packages among workers and starting and searching messages.
Helping the associate, staff, or other management staff in doing their responsibilities.
To perform additional tasks given by management from time to time.
Demonstrates an excellent HSE behaviour and attitude, follows regulatory practices and rules, recognizes and Promotes hazards and Aspects reporting.

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Short Info


Why the corporate world is getting attracted toward Dubai and Abu Dhabi?

It is common observation that the oil rich economies of the world are leading the economy of the world from last few decades. But some these economies have to face the major fall down due to high rate of depletion of oil reserves. However, few of these economies are working in the right direction to keep their economies on the right track. Among these countries Dubai and Abu Dhabi are the leading states not only in the Gulf but also in the world. The ruling forces in these states are determined to make their states the true center of corporate activities of the world. And they are looking good in this field. 

Due to highly progressing economies of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, there present a big potential for the talented people. Taking in view this fact, it is wise thinking to plan the career in these countries because in very short time these states could be the hottest spot for the corporate activities of the world.