We are a part of a leading global group in Industrial Refrigeration. Our office is located in Sharjah. We are looking for a highly motivated individual to fill the position of Procurement Manager who is Responsible for the indirect spends by ensuring all KPIs are met with a view that they contribute directly to the corporate objectives, procurement and supply of all types of production, engineering and general materials and equipment required for the operations. Handles complete replenishment cycle for all types of materials that includes identification of the needs up to issue of Purchase Orders. 3 to 5 years´ experience in purchasing or procurement of engineering materials or equipment relating to building management services. Qualifications must be Jordanian nationality, and graduate of B.Sc. in Engineering or B.Com or B.B.A or equivalent. Good knowledge of spoken and written English and Arabic language.
It is observed that some people start their job from lower ranks and remain in lower ranks for the long period of time while others start their job in lower ranks and use that low rank as their launching pad and start flying in a very short time. Actually the people who got rapid promotion have some capabilities and one could develop those capabilities in him so that he could get the rapid promotion in the job. Some of these capabilities are mentioned here under:
Continuously improve the qualification: It is the best tool which could come to help you to progress in your rank to have the higher qualifications. No doubt learning with earning is not an easy job. But once you get determined than you could get the task done in desired way.
Keenly observe the field and try to understand the technical tasks: It is observed that those people rise in their rank that could handle the technical aspects of their job in right way. Therefore, it is suggested to keep those secrets of job with you as soon as possible.
Try to show your worth to higher authorities: After getting good qualification and knowing the technical aspects of your job, it is good idea to give a good presentation to higher authorities so that you could get entered your name in the good book of higher authorities. In this way you could get the big boost in the promotion.