Driver cum Office Boy

We are looking for a Driver cum Office Boy to work for and report to CEO. The role will require to work foe CEO's office and personal needs. The role is based in Abu Dhabi but will entail driving within and between different emirates. Salary offered is between AED 2000-2500. Indian/Nepali/Sri Lankan  Nationalities only.

Short Info

  • Published:9 years ago
  • Company:MMC
  • Location:Abu Dhabi,UAE

Personal and Child Care : Resume Keywords List

Resume Keywords List

Below is a list of common industry-specific keywords to use in a resume and cover letter.

Personal and Child Care
1. Potty training
2. Conflict resolution
3. Games
4. Safety awareness
5. Applying dressings
6. Housekeeping
7. Driver’s license
8. Story reading
9. Meal preparation
10. Handling pressure.