
Secretary, male / female, with 3-5 years experience, required for a contracting company in Dubai.

In corporate world it is believed that the worker that comes from some reference is better than the stranger. Taking in view this believe employer prefer the person which reach him through some reliable source. This is the major factor which helps the job seekers to find the job through networks. However, it is obvious that it take some time to develop the effective network for searching job.

Short Info

  • Published:9 years ago
  • Company:Modern Building Contracting Co
  • Location:Dubai,UAE

Creative and Cultural : Resume Keywords List

Resume Keywords List
Below is a list of common industry-specific keywords to use in a resume and cover letter.

Creative and Cultural
1. Accents
2. Singing
3. Sculpture
4. Adobe Photoshop
5. Item cataloging
6. Record-keeping
7. Handling pressure
8. Dean Evans EMS
9. Graphic design
10. InDesign.