Senior Planning Engineer

His main tasks will be Preparing of detailed construction schedule for the project with loaded resources (manpower and equipment) and cost, Updating and monitoring progress on weekly basis. Preparing and issuing of a weekly and monthly progress reports to the client, the consultant, project manager as well as to the company top management. Preparing of project resources profile showing the actual VS planned quantities as well as the remaining ones according to the latest updates based on resource allocation to the project schedule. Updating the schedule based on changes and actual site productivities so as to recover any delays if any. Preparation of monthly cash flow to the client and project senior management showing the value of work done as well as the value of materials on site as planned, earned value and forecasted values. Monitor the technical submittal schedule and sub-contractors schedule. Prepare the schedules for the time extensions with the additional cost based on delays.  


Short Info

  • Published:10 years ago
  • Company:Anonymous
  • Location:Abu Dhabi,UAE

The role of topic sentences in each paragraph

Topic sentences play a crucial role in guiding readers through your essay and ensuring a logical flow of ideas. These sentences introduce the main point of each paragraph and help readers understand the purpose and focus of the upcoming content. When constructing topic sentences, make sure they are clear, concise, and relevant to the overall thesis statement. Each topic sentence should connect back to your main argument and contribute to the development of your essay. By providing a roadmap for your readers, topic sentences make it easier for them to follow your line of thought and comprehend the intended message. To create effective topic sentences, consider the main idea of each paragraph and how it supports your thesis statement. Use transitional words and phrases to establish connections between paragraphs and maintain a smooth transition between ideas. By doing so, you create a cohesive and organized essay that is easy to follow and understand.