IT Technician

Required IT support/Hardware Technician experienced in installing and troubleshooting server and network.
Role of resume to find the job

According a study an employer or resume evaluator has six to eight seconds to collect the required information from resume. The reason is that most of the time number of applicants is in hundreds and the number of vacant posts is less than two digits. Such ratio allows the employer only few seconds to spend on a single resume. Under these circumstances resume should developed in such a way that it could facilitate the resume evaluator.

Taking in view the above discussion it is clear that the resume with professional look could improve the chance of getting job. Therefore, one must spend enough time for deciding the format and arrangement of resume. The wise thinking is that hire the resume expert for developing an attractive resume with the use of information provided by you. Resume expert knows better which information could catch the eye of an employer. He makes those attributes more prominent in resume so that your resume could ensure your job.


Short Info

  • Published:10 years ago
  • Company:Supercad Trading
  • Location:Dubai,UAE

Why the corporate world is getting attracted toward Dubai and Abu Dhabi?

It is common observation that the oil rich economies of the world are leading the economy of the world from last few decades. But some these economies have to face the major fall down due to high rate of depletion of oil reserves. However, few of these economies are working in the right direction to keep their economies on the right track. Among these countries Dubai and Abu Dhabi are the leading states not only in the Gulf but also in the world. The ruling forces in these states are determined to make their states the true center of corporate activities of the world. And they are looking good in this field. 

Due to highly progressing economies of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, there present a big potential for the talented people. Taking in view this fact, it is wise thinking to plan the career in these countries because in very short time these states could be the hottest spot for the corporate activities of the world.