Mechanical Engineer

Required Mechanical Engineer at I.M.C. Group
1. Holding of BA Degree in Mechanical Engineering
2. Holder of Qatari driving license
3. Knowledgeable of HVAC System Installation
4. Sales Experience
Transfer Sponsorship is must
Jointly area powerful combination of technical resources for handing industrial construction anywhere in the world, with a very long experience in conventional and nuclear power plants, steel plants, chemical and petrochemical plants.
In these Companies has been hired staff personnel and technicians, having a long-standing reputation of providing high quality service with speed and efficiency at competitive cost.
All employees share a common goal at excellence where every major commitment is long term.

Short Info

  • Published:9 years ago
  • Company:I.M.C. Group
  • Location:Doha,Qatar

How to find data scientist jobs in the UAE

Company Websites: Explore the career pages of major companies and organizations in the UAE. Many companies post their job openings on their official websites. Recruitment Agencies: Some recruitment agencies specialize in technology and data science roles. Consider reaching out to agencies in the UAE to help you find suitable positions. Networking: Attend industry events, webinars, and meetups related to data science. Networking can open up opportunities and provide insights into available positions. Professional Associations: Check with professional organizations related to data science, analytics, or technology in the UAE. These associations often share job opportunities with their members. University Career Centers: If you are a recent graduate or a student, check with university career centers. They may have information about entry-level positions and internships. Government Job Portals: Some countries have government portals where companies post job openings. In the UAE, you can check platforms like MOHRE (Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation). Specialized Data Science Platforms: Websites like Kaggle, Stack Overflow Jobs, and often feature data science positions. Remember to tailor your resume to highlight your skills and experiences relevant to the specific job requirements. Additionally, ensure that you have a strong online presence, especially on professional platforms like LinkedIn, where recruiters often search for potential candidates. Always check for the latest updates and job listings, as the job market is dynamic and may have changed since my last update.