Gas Technician

Require - Gas Technician - Male, age between 25 and 30 - SSC certified - Diploma in gas technician - 5 years experience in the gas field
- Attractive packages and benefits will be commensurate with qualification and exp.

Short Info

  • Published:8 years ago
  • Company:SERGAS Group
  • Location:Abu Dhabi,UAE

Education and Human Services : Resume Keywords List

Resume Keywords List
Below is a list of common industry-specific keywords to use in a resume and cover letter.

Education and Human Services
1. Lesson planning
2. SMART boards
3. Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)
4. Dewey Decimal
5. Archiving
6. Classroom management
7. Differentiated education
8. Child development
9. Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA)
10. Curriculum planning.