AC Maintenance Technician / Helper

AC Maintenance Technician / Helper,   urgently required for a facilities management Co. in UAE. HVAC Diploma / ITI certificate holders, with 5 years hands on exp. in HVAV maintenance field, proven track record, good communication skills (English and Hindi).

Short Info

  • Published:9 years ago
  • Company:Standard Air Conditioning and Refrigeration LLC
  • Location:Sharjah,UAE

Personal and Child Care : Resume Keywords List

Resume Keywords List

Below is a list of common industry-specific keywords to use in a resume and cover letter.

Personal and Child Care
1. Potty training
2. Conflict resolution
3. Games
4. Safety awareness
5. Applying dressings
6. Housekeeping
7. Driver’s license
8. Story reading
9. Meal preparation
10. Handling pressure.